Why are the children dying?
Doesn’t anyone see?
I remember a time and place when this world was safe.
My heart mourns for all these poor innocent lives
We all have to ask ourselves are we doing and focusing on the right things,?
Why this world is getting worse and not better.
If we all come together Instead of dividing and conquering, then we can at least have a fighting chance to repair the damage that’s been done and save the next generation.
Our species is on the verge of extinction, not from war or outside influences, but from ourselves.
Our emotions of fear, insecurity, mental illness, drug addictions has taken over, infecting high levels of administration that was set in place to give checks and balance.
If each individual holds themselves accountable for their own actions regardless of status or position, then there still is hope yet for the human race and for our children. Regardless of race creed or religion or sexual preference your child is my child. We must ALL set an example for OUR CHILDREN. I AM MY BROTHER’S KEEPER. Are You?