Thursday, November 8, 2018

Nature's Keepsake Box

As I sit outside taking in the cool breeze I  become reminiscent  summer’s passing, as the season of fall makes its bold appearance. 

During the summer the trees keeps all of our secrets.

We attended parties; camping trips, barbecues. 

People came and went in and out of our lives.

We had sorrow, happiness and laughter all the while knowing that the warmth of summer would dissipate and we would once again seek the shelter of our homes to protect us from the cold.

Now looking at the leaves on the trees falling one by one we know that our secrets of summers past will always remain safe. 

With each leaf drying up in the cool Fall’s wind, we are once again reminded that the snow of winter’s presence will take its place and hold all of our memories in nature’s revolving keepsake box.

                                                   LM Akins/ Simora England

Friday, October 12, 2018

Dear Children

Dear Children:

You have given me the greatest gift I never dreamed possible.

 You all are my first loves’, my biggest achievement and joy.

Even though you all have grown to be individuals. Your victories are mine.

Your sadness is my despair and your happiness is my delight.

Once we were melted in the same flesh but now you all have grown to explore the world as you see fit.

 Without your existence I would have been a mere shadow of a person.

Never think any one of you have disappointed me for you all are and always will be the pride of heart.

Through an imperfect existence, in giving birth to you all I have managed perfection at it’s finest.

Many people wait till near death to express their feelings, however, I am very much alive and shout my proclamations of love to admiration to my children.

Separate but yet one we share a connection that will never be broken.

In reality Mother’s give birth, however, I wish to say thank you to my children for giving birth to “my” existential life.

 You all have taught me more about myself than I could have ever discovered on my own.
                                                To- Joey- Brandyn-Jesse- Serena and Bibiana
                                                                        (From Mom)
Lisamarie Akins/Simora England

Love Letter

I feel now what I did back when I was a mere little girl.

 On a cold winter’s day I laid curled and snug in my blanket.

 I was as I am now, safe and secure in my cocoon.

There’s a sharp chill that nips at my nose, which is the only thing exposed as I the smell breakfast lingering in the air, which eventually enticed me out of bed.

In the present time, my eyes slightly tilts open as the smell of fresh roasted coffee glides throughout the house and pulls at my senses.

 I feel a warm hand caress my cheek, as he waves goodbye to leave for work.

  And with that simple action he performs everyday unceasingly, I know that I am loved.

 He is my partner, friend confidante and companion.

His blue eyes liken to that of the sea which calms my inner torment and impedes the pain within my soul.

There’s no greater feeling that one can experience, in knowing that you are cherished and admired by the person with whom you share your life.

While most of us are forced to grow old with life’s undying storms, my love lets me know that it is okay to be the little girl I once and restores my child-like heart.

We balance each other’s strengths while comforting one another, in our shared adversities.

While I realize that throughout our journey together there will be disappointments, anger and sadness, there will never be regret; for in my eyes he is made for me and I for him.

 This is my love letter to the one who makes me want to strive for perfection so that I can be the best ME for myself.

 I realize that one day our journey will end, that unexpected day where death comes knocking at our door, however, I take consolation in knowing that our separation will only be for a while.

 When that day comes, we will be reunited in the realm of eternity and will bask in the warm seductive light of infinity never to part again.
I’m honored to share with you my entire love letter, in hopes that with these words it may touch someone’s soul to preserve and endure life’s battles and fight for love because it does conquer all.                   (To Shane- my love, comforter and companion)
                                                                      Love Always-Lisamarie Akins/Simora England


Today I awoke-with a sense of sureness and was unafraid or indifferent by insecurities, which I have struggled with all my life.

Today I awoke replenished and refreshed with a firm confirmation of freedom as I cast  off all doubts and worries. 

With a contrite contrition, I vow to not obsess or absorb any negative energy, which may come my way.

Today I awoke, in a state of determination with the goal of achieving transformation by being a better version of myself. 

I will strive to reach heights that I had only envisioned within the depths of my fantasies.

Today I awoke feeling loved, safe and respected.
 In my partners arms I stand with conviction knowing that my happiness begins with me.

                                            LM Akins-Simora England

Monday, August 27, 2018

Earths' Vengence

Inside my body I can feel the earth’s vibration as fire and storm’s come to culmination. She is unsettled and disgruntled with the humans of this earth and will seek her vengeance to strip everything impure and infiltrated even if she must destroy in order to do it.  There’s a stirring which shakes the utter core of my being, a tremble which can be felt for miles and miles away, hold on to your children and don’t be afraid.

When the sea howls and the earth is shaken from beneath our feet and dust blinds our vision and sight, take cover to hide from the darkness, which overpowers light. Lets all remember how we forsook the earth, as bodies lay buried under the cold hard dirt.

There’s an abnormal sense of doom in the air, a sadness shrouded with denial and fear. These circumstances cannot be controlled it is out of our hands. Man has already set the earth’s destruction in place with carelessness and arrogance causing a result where we will all be displaced.

Hopefully the next generation of species evolved will learn to respect and guard, taking heed to the mistakes of our past, the mistake of thinking that the human race is superior over all things.

The mistake of thinking that we can manipulate the earth as though we ever had anything to do with its creation.

Today I light my candle in solemn memoriam for all of us.

                                                       -Simora England-

Friday, August 17, 2018

To Whom It May Concern

To Whom It May Concern:

Pardon me if I stand self-righteous in defending my truth and preserving the dignity which mankind sought to destroy. My peace comes in the knowing that I have survived, because I dutifully followed the whispers of my conscience and devised a plan that defied all matter of logic, reason and rhyme.

I have seen those who have passed into the outer realm of this world and I am left with a sense of incompleteness. There is an unending secret that shrouds my presence. The secrets and mysteries of this life have been revealed to those who have past on. I can only imagine and contemplate what lies in the beyond. There’s a sense of anxiousness inside my being but at the same time I hold a quiet fear as I grow old and the end comes near.

In this world we set ourselves apart by differences, yet the only thing we all have in common is birth and death. I wonder if this commonality is the reason why we all seek to have control, whether it is control in the family, control in finances or control in everything we have no control of. When someone dear to us passes the immediate reaction is always shock and disbelief even though we all know that death inevitably comes to all of us. Do we somehow feel like maybe just maybe if we don’t think about it or talk of it that it will pass our door?

If birth is celebrated than so should death, because death is the beginning to a higher level of consciousness, which in the end connects us to everyone and everything.

                                                                -Simora England-

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Sound Of Pain

Have you ever noticed how the sound of the trees blowing in the wind is comparable to that of an oceans wave as it bounces of a hard rock?

Makes me wonder what kind of sound does my tears make, as it flows steadily down my cheeks.

If my pain had a sound what would that sound be comparable to?

Would it sound like the soft strumming of a violin or a repetitive note of a piano’s key?

Or does my pain sound like the dull beat of my heart, which skips irregularly.

For now I’ll just accept that my pain sounds like the tapping of my keyboard as I work tirelessly to put into words what my heart feels.

                                                           -Simora England-

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

The Only Truth

"The only truth lies in the moment where we're faced with the nakedness of our decisions, that reveals who we really are inside. Whether our decisions are meaningful or not our motives are left transparent to the world"

                                                        @lisamarie_akins SimoraEngland

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

A Writers Fear

In a century from now will my words live on after I’ve put deep into the cold hard earth and covered with stone?

Will anyone even remember or care that I had lived and existed here?

 In a world where many of us block out the raw sense of reality, I give you my voice so that you can see.

My wish is to be a beacon of light to comfort and soothe you from the dark moments in your life.

These words are spoken boldly and true and wish to connect with all of you.

I will put all doubts out of my mind as I pound at my keyboard day and night.

 Even though my mind and body are riddled with fear and pain, I reach out to all of you and hope my words are not taken in vain.

When I’m gone please remember me, through my words my spirit will be free.

                                                     -  Simora England-

Monday, June 11, 2018

The Faces Of Suicide and Addiction

I sit bewildered and perplexed as I contemplate the differences between suicide and addiction. Why is society suddenly glorifying suicide and paying tributes to celebrities who kill themselves from suicide? While many people who openly are suffering from addictions and mental illness are either put into jail or denied health insurance? This is the very reason why suicide and mental illness along with drug addictions is growing rapidly in this country. I usually write about my feelings and thoughts, being a person who suffers constantly from mental illness, however, today I'm angry. I'm angry that so many people in my life have succumbed to this disease of addiction due to mental health issues. I am saddened that society sweeps them along the curb as garbage to forgotten at the dump. What does the face of suicide and addiction look like?  Does it look like a woman holding her babies, who stands outside the public assistance office with an eviction notice in her hand; only to be rejected because the government has cut funding to the programs that would aid her in this situation? Does suicide look like a daughter or a son who attends college and perseveres every day to meet the deadlines of their instructors, only to be booted out of college because their job is not enough to pay their tuition? Does suicide/addiction look like a man or a woman who has grown to fame by their talents and is admired by the world for being the best in their trade, only in the darkness of their room they face their own demons that they cannot reveal because the public deems them as perfect? Or is it the child who has suffered abuse, neglect or indifference their whole life and grew up trying to flush out their own existence using drugs, weed, and alcohol. Does the face of suicide and addiction look like a man or woman who works tiredly forty to eighty hour a weekday trying to maintain shelter only to end up living paycheck to paycheck? Is the face of suicide a mother or father who has lost a son or daughter? There are many more faces of suicide and addiction. I do realize that we as human beings can only do but so much and we all have limitations, however, let us stop separating and isolating suicide and addiction. These diseases are the same and boil down to mental illness. The only difference is that one goes unnoticed by all around them and then in a sudden moment, the impact is felt by all who have loved them, The other which is called addiction is a slow torturous death that infects everyone who loves them and has more causalities. Mental illness, addiction, and suicide go hand in hand and until we all realize that we will continue to suffer. The innocent casualties of this war are more than any physical war that has taken place in this society and continues to grow, because of the ignorance and arrogance of politicians that only make affordable help available to the ones who can afford it. The efforts in playing survival of the fittest are backfiring on us as a community and we are losing this war!

                                                            By- Simora England



Thursday, June 7, 2018

My Voice

The resonance of my voice is pure and unfiltered with contamination.

My words are laid out as a buffet, which is tantalizing and seducing as it touches the hearts of men.

My bosom heaves as my heart beats in a low monotone hum.

 All my members are still as I lay prostrate, filled with anxiety and anxiousness’ and anticipation as I await another one of life blows.

With a firm conviction, I realize that I must not forsake hope and faith but cling on the cliff of forgiveness all the while my members lie numb with pain.

 There is an inconsistency of truth that lingers in the air, as I inhale the putrid savor of injustice causing me to regurgitate the regrets of a past life.

I marinate and wallow in sorrow and yearn for freedom within my own sanity.

 In the end, my spirit flies free in exultation knowing all the while my voice will be heard.

                                                        By LM-Akins ( Simora England)


Friday, June 1, 2018

I Am

I am a force of determinations, whose roots are grounded into the earth and shall not be moved.

I am a boulder of strength, which towers over the shadows of adversities.

I am a beacon of light that shines on the path of hope and faith, where none can be found

I am innocence pure and unadulterated who restores forgiveness in humanity.

I am an ever-flowing stream of love who sustains life and gives way to new creations.

I am freedom and take flight through the winds of life’s changing flow.

I am human, imperfect and unfiltered yet admirable for all of our differences.

                                                    By Simora England

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Testament Of Time

I have come to understand that we as humans possess the inherited trait of fear or flight.

  We have an immediate need to disperse and scatter at the mere sense of danger.
  Why is it that we hold on to depression and fear in our thoughts?
  We subconsciously put our state of mind in a danger zone of disillusionment.
We automatically flee when we sense harm coming our way, however, our mind stays
un-protected as we enter the path of disillusionment.

In our perception lies an irony of illusion which forces us to hold onto painful memories and events.
   We have a periphery of sight that distorts our vision and blocks the path to our enlightenment and healing.

 In the years of this existence, I have spiraled through this massive space called life and have adapted to the trueness of living in the present.
   When healing awakened me, I  was able to savor my accomplishments of the here and now: Without feeling the pain of the past.
  I am confident in knowing that I am on the right path because I have walked a thousand miles:  All the while not counting any of my steps.  
   I forge forward even when all the members of my being become numb with stillness.

  A fervor and zest of energy fill my thoughts
 as I encounter a revelation of the essence of injustice and betrayal of man which leaves me longing for the fulfillment and peace I have yet to discover. 
 I bow my head with respect for the severed and crushed bones
 that I have encountered on the path to enlightenment.
In appreciation, I pay homage to all those who have laid down their lives so that I may live.

   In one fleeting instant I realize that , without casualties, wars would not exist.
  Without pain and suffering, victory would be obsolete.
Lastly without perseverance, success remains a dream that will never be fulfilled.
   In the end, the instinctual mechanism of flight and fear shapes the direction where our bodies choose to go, however, our choices and decisions are affected by the frozen state of our mind.
 We are left bound and broken to carry the burden of our baggage through the journey of the testament of time.
                                          L.M. Akins