Friday, August 20, 2021

Loan You My Strength

 We are all controlled by the fear of self-doubt, the fear of knowing that our life is not our own, and the repercussions we face for boldly going beyond the scope of our imaginations are met with indifference from lack of understanding. Each day we hold on to the reigns of our existence tumbling and falling in the midst of life's turbulence.  

In the end, we have a unique strength that sets us apart from one another. 

Our courage to reach the unreachable.

Our determination to see the unseen. 

Our tenacity to withstand the impossible is who we are. 

I don't know who needs to hear this, but I'm reaching out to tell you. You must go on. Life has thrown you into a tornado of fear and chaos but the rage inside of you will clear.  The strongest enemy you have is yourself. I am connecting to you. I will loan you the strength I have only if you promise not to discard it like waste left to the blow in the wind. I know what it is like to feel alone, to wonder and ponder your purpose on this earth. I know what it feels like to scream and have no sound come out of your mouth, to cry and have your eyes dried up and swollen that even the brightest of light cannot shine through. I know what it feels like to feel small and insignificant as though you will be swallowed up by the earth and no one will care. I know the feeling of regret, shame, and guilt because despite all your valiant efforts nothing has changed. You see my friend, change is a double-edged sword that if yielded the right way will either make or break your victory. Each of us is our own planet, and within our planet lies the sustenance we need to survive. Everything we fear or that causes us sorrow is a reflection of things we need to change in ourselves. I cannot let your demons interfere with mine. For I have bounded mine with chains suffocated its air so as not to mingle with my own breath. I have conquered my demons and have faith you will combat yours. We belong to the same solar system. If your planet dies my planet is also in danger. We are all connected. I will lend you my strength.

                                                 LM AKINS-AKA SIMORA ENGLAND