Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Portal Of Humanity

I stand in a cold sweat, saturated with the damp fog of my very existence. Confused and bewildered I wait patiently as the cup of enlightenment quenches my thirst. All I can hear is the pounding of my heart, which echoes from within my inner chambers and drowns out the loud screeching thoughts in my mind. My eyes search for the open portal that leads to man’s humanity, however, as I come closer to inspect, I see that it is sealed with a thick dark paste of violence and malice. Realizing that I must find another way, I do not turn backwards but tread forwards to find a path free from the insolence of this world. My cup is once again full as I journey on.

                                                                     LM Akins / Simora England

Monday, April 22, 2019

Freedom Of Mind

We see with our soul and touch with our hearts and we believe the impossible to be possible.  As we each wander this earth looking for our way, we try to accept what we cannot control and surrender to the powers of our own will. We convince ourselves to testify to our own truths thereby we are deceived by nothing else but the trickery of our own minds.  Only when we accept the reality, which surrounds us, however bleak, and dismal it may seem: will we come to a realization of acceptance not only within ourselves but also in the way we see the world around us. Ultimately we will begin to inhale the sweet fragrance of freedom and hear the truth. Only then will healing begin.

                                                           LM Akins/ Simora England

Monday, April 15, 2019

Beacon Of Light

Beneath the shattered shards of glass that lay under and around my feet, I am still able to stand on my tippy-toes and glance at my dreams, which are laid out across the skies.

   We are all shaken and disturbed when our dreams seems to distant to reach and reality makes us want to escape into fantasy because we look at the chaos of this world around us and build a safe house in our minds for protection.

I’m here to tell you that it’s safe to come out of our prisons in our mind and embrace the light that shines from within us, so much so that it infects everyone and everything that surrounds us.

We cannot succumb to the treachery and evil of this world, but instead prove ourselves to be examples of goodness with a common purpose of expunging all negativity; our light will be a constant beacon to all those stuck stagnant in the darkness.

                                                  LM Akins/ Simora England