Monday, August 27, 2018

Earths' Vengence

Inside my body I can feel the earth’s vibration as fire and storm’s come to culmination. She is unsettled and disgruntled with the humans of this earth and will seek her vengeance to strip everything impure and infiltrated even if she must destroy in order to do it.  There’s a stirring which shakes the utter core of my being, a tremble which can be felt for miles and miles away, hold on to your children and don’t be afraid.

When the sea howls and the earth is shaken from beneath our feet and dust blinds our vision and sight, take cover to hide from the darkness, which overpowers light. Lets all remember how we forsook the earth, as bodies lay buried under the cold hard dirt.

There’s an abnormal sense of doom in the air, a sadness shrouded with denial and fear. These circumstances cannot be controlled it is out of our hands. Man has already set the earth’s destruction in place with carelessness and arrogance causing a result where we will all be displaced.

Hopefully the next generation of species evolved will learn to respect and guard, taking heed to the mistakes of our past, the mistake of thinking that the human race is superior over all things.

The mistake of thinking that we can manipulate the earth as though we ever had anything to do with its creation.

Today I light my candle in solemn memoriam for all of us.

                                                       -Simora England-

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